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Aging Home

TYPE: Academic

PLACE: Orlando, FL

YEAR: Spring 2017

As the baby boomers are heading towards aging, the need for developing better aging and aging-in-place homes is highly recommended in new construction. Not only the needs of aging population must be fulfilled, but they should feel comfortable in the place they dwell in. My design for this aging facility addresses the needs of this age group by providing a functional and aesthetic space keeping their slow deteriorating health conditions in mind.

Inspired by Moroccan culture and the flow, movement and colors reflected in the image above, I intend to develop a space that inspires the residents to be on a move like waves in the ocean. My effort is to provide the residents with a peaceful life by developing serene surroundings that also enhance their way of approaching towards life's extreme. The design solution provides effective way for aging people to commute within the space, keep them entertained and provide opportunities for self-indulgence.



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